Full Length Festival Trophies

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Armagh Sifton-Price Award

Inaugurated in 1985

Adjudicator’s Award

Armagh Sifton-Price was a life-long supporter of the Brockville Theatre until her death. She provided not only financial support, but also space to store costumes and props until the Guild's Music-Theatre building was built. Her sons continued to support the arts in Brockville.


The Arnold Connerty Award

Inaugurated in 1991

Adjudicator’s Award

The Connerty family were long-time residents of Merrickville, Ontario. Arnold was an English and Theatre Arts teacher for many years at Brockville’s Thousand Islands Secondary School. During his teaching career, his love of theatre presented itself through his regular entries with his students to the Sears Drama Festival. in 1975, Arnold Connerty brought together a group of interested residents of all ages from the village of Merrickville to present a one-time, one-night production as a fundraiser for the new medical centre. It was such a success that Arnold was encouraged to continue to direct and produce shows for the enjoyment of the village. That was the beginning of a group, which he appropriately named Theatre Night in Merrickville (TNIM). All facets of the early productions were guided by Arnold’s hand. He was the touchstone and mentor for many, even as new TNIM directors emerged. Arnold passed away in January of 1990.


Bancroft Theatre Guild Award

Inaugurated in 1987

Acting Excellence

Carved by Bob Steinman in 1987, the trophy was designed by him with the assistance of Gus Zylstra. The walnut wood of the faces is over Catalpa wood, native to the United States.


City of Pembroke Award

Inaugurated in 1984

Adjudicator’s Award


Deep River Players Award

Inaugurated in 1961

Best Visual Presentation

In late 1946, a group of people, encouraged by Jill and John Stewart, started meeting to read plays. Two one-act plays and a public reading of The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) were presented in early 1947. A meeting was held in the room behind the old Post office, a constitution was drawn up and the Deep River Players was formed.


John L. Walley Award

Inaugurated in 1966, retired in 2013

Best Costuming

John Walley was a designer with Atomic Energy Canada at Chalk River. he was extremely active in both the drama and musical clubs in Chalk River, producing and directing extremely successful Broadway musicals in town from 1960 on. He died in 1964.


The New John L. Walley Award

Inaugurated in 2014

Best Costuming


Kingston Trophy

Inaugurated in 1939

Best Production of a Canadian Play

The Kingston Trophy was presented by Senator Rupert Davies of Kingston in 1939 for the Best Production of a Full Length Play. From 1954 to 1957, it was given for the Best Production of a One Act Play and then in 1958 it was changed to Best Production of a Full Length Canadian Play


Leonard Beaulne Memorial Award

Inaugurated in 1956

Best Actor in a Major Role


Leonard Beaulne Memorial Award

Inaugurated in 1956

Best Actress in a Major Role


Margaret White Award

Inaugurated in 1987

Acting Excellence

Margaret White was head of the French Department at Peterborough Collegiate for many years. An excellent stage manager and administrator, she served as the second President of the Peterborough Theatre Guild and later was Chairman of the Board. She began her association with EODL in 1952 when she was Festival Chairman and continued on the EODL Executive until her death in 1988.


Peterborough Theatre Guild Award

Inaugurated in 1966

Best Use of Speech

Wood carving designed by Robert Porter, Chief Librarian, Peterborough Public Library


Peterborough Theatre Guild Award

Inaugurated in 1966

Set Design

‘Radiant Intervals", by Bettarn, 1966. Copper and enamel plaque on wood was designed by Arnold Pickles of Peterborough


Chris and Brenda Worsnop Award

Inaugurated in 2018

Outstanding Ensemble


Ron Hazelgrove Award

Inaugurated in 1979

Best Cameo Performance

Ron Hazelgrove was secretary of Domino Theatre, Kingston in the 1960s and 1970s. The award’s term of reference state it is to be given to “that actor or actress, in a minor role, of whatever size, who contributes outstandingly to the quality of a festival production, or whose ‘cameo’ performance gives an extra moment of artistic pleasure. It is to be awarded at the adjudicator’s discretion only, for contribution of high theatrical pleasure”. Designed by Joan Belch, the Ron Hazelgrove Cameo Award consists of a raised relief of the Domino Harlequin on mahogany with small plates for the winners’names.


Trentonian and Tri-County Award

Inaugurated in 1961-62

Best Director


Leslie M. Frost Award

Inaugurated in 1973

Best Production

“Labyrinth”, a wall construction in plexiglass, designed by Ottawa artist Florrie Pollock. From 1953 to 1972, the Dominion Drama Festival Trophy was awarded to the Best Production in Festival. In 1972, it was awarded for Best Production in the EODL Full Length Festival. The award was belatedly presented to Domino Theatre at their Annual General Meeting, September 20, 1972 for their winning production of “Oh What a Lovely War” at the 1972 Festival in Lindsay.